Sponsors and Contributors

The Future of Design Education acknowledges several special relationships that contributed to its work:

  • The University of California San Diego supported the project through Don Norman’s time as Director of the Design Lab.
  • IBM Global Design contributed Karel Vredenburg’s time, technical support, his IBM web and communication volunteers: Nolan Canady, Tiffany Chan, Apurva Dabhade, Will Fanguy, Arun Joseph, Yen Loftin, Abeer Nassar, Calyssa Nowviskie, Dan Silveira, Nicole Umphress.
  • The World Design Organization supported the project through the ongoing involvement of president Srini Srinivasan.
  • Stanford University Computer Science Professor MehranSahami provided organizational advice from the international IEEE/ACM work onthe Computer Science Curriculum 2013.    

In addition to Steering Committee and Working GroupLeaders, the Future of Design Education thanks the following working group members, advisors, and co-authors for their contributions:


  • Working Group Leaders: Julia De Bari(Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design, USA) and Simona Maschi(Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design, Denmark and Costa Rica).
  • Steering Committee Liaisons: Meredith Davis (NorthCarolina State University, USA) and Karel Vredenburg (IBM, Canada).
  • Contributors: Kshitiz Anand, CEO HappyHorizons Inc., India); Luke Chambers (Telstra, Australia); Ana Domb(Independent Consultant and Lead University, UK); Lalo Gonzales (intO, UK);Michele Rosen, (Curiosity Tank, USA); Sampat Sonali (Nike, USA); SilvioSangineto (Microsoft, USA); Stacey Seronick (IBM, USA); Nicole Umphress (IBM,USA); and Karel Vredenburg (IBM, Canada).


  • Working Group Leaders: Hugh Dubberly(Dubberly Design Office, USA) and Paul Pangaro (Carnegie Mellon University,USA).
  • Steering Committee Liaison:  Meredith Davis (North Carolina StateUniversity, USA).
  • Contributors: Jorge Arango (CaliforniaCollege of the Arts, USA), Luke Feast (Aalborg Universitet, Denmark), UsmanHaque (Umbrellium, UK), Daniel Rosenberg Muñoz (Carnegie Mellon University, USA);and Delfina Fantini van Ditmar, Royal College of Art, UK).



  • Working Group Leaders: Leyla Acaroglu ( Australia and UK)and Jeremy Faludi (TU Delft, The Netherlands).
  • Steering Committee Liaison: Don Norman (University ofCalifornia San Diego, USA).
  • Contributors: Cindy Cooper (The Lemelson Foundation,USA), Paul Gardien (Philips, The Netherlands), IBM Global Design Group, AnaRapela (Zoom Sustainable and ITBA Escuela de Innovación, Argentina), DeborahSumter (University of Applied Science, The Netherlands), and Simon Widmer(Ellen MacArthur Foundation, UK), World Design Organization.

 Pluriversal Design:

  • Working Group Leaders: Lesley-Ann Noel (North CarolinaState University, USA) and Ronni Rosenberg (Sheridan College, Canada).
  • Steering Committee Liaisons: Gjoko Muratovski (DeaconUniversity, Australia) and Srini Srinivasan (World Design Organization, India).
  • Contributors: Shalini Agrawal, (California College of theArts and Public Design for Equity, USA), Vikram Augustine (Design Edge, India),Alfredo Gutiérrez Berroro (Universidade Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia), NiiKommey Botchway (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa), Edson Cabafin(Tulane University, USA), Simon Charwey (Simon Charwey Design, Ghana), RalitsaDebrah (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana), EricoFileno (EY Studio LAS, Brazil), Maria Cristina Ibarra (Universidade Federal dePernambuco, Brazil), Ishan Khosla (Ishan Khosla Design, India), Arvind Lodaya(Vidyashilp University, India), Gjoko Muratovski (Deakin University,Australia), François Nsenga, (NINAF Consultancy, Rwanda), Steve Ouditt(University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago), Sadie Redwing (OntarioCollege of Art and Design, Canada), Natalie Robertson (Auckland University ofTechnology, New Zealand), Jorge Rodriguez (RODZ Design Innovation andConsulting and Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterey, Mexico),Adolfo Ruiz (MacEwan University, Canada), Srini Srinivasan, (WorldDesign Organization, India), Victor Udoewa (Public Sector, USA), Frederick M.C.van Amstel (Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil), and Neeta Verma(Notre Dame University, USA).


Product-Service Systems Design:

  • Working GroupLeaders: Birgit Mager (Köln Institute for Service Design/Köln University,Germany) and Marco Susani (University of Illinois Chicago, USA).
  • SteeringCommittee Liaison: Michael Meyer (University of California San Diego, USA).
  • Contributor: Sarah Gibbons, VP and Chief of Design at theNielsen Norman Group, USA).


Community Engagement:

  • Working Group Leaders: Denise Montt-Blanchard (Pontificia Universidad Catholica de Chile, Chile), CarlaSpinillo (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil),and Sheba Najmi (FreeWill and Code for Pakistan, USA).
  • Steering Committee Liaisons: Meredith Davis (NorthCarolina State University, USA) and Don Norman (University of California SanDiego, USA).
  • Contributors: Alexandra Faille (Duoc UC, Chile); PabloMelzer (AYA Project, Chile); Don Norman (University of California San Diego,USA); Angelina Vaccarella (Duoc UC, Chile); Marcelo Villagrán (Mobile ShelterProject, Chile); and Manasa Yeturu (Stanford University, USA).



  • Working Group Leaders: Dietmar Offenhuber (NortheasternUniversity, USA) and Joy Mountford (SAP, USA and Germany).
  • Steering Committee Liaison: Meredith Davis (NorthCarolina State University, USA).
  • Contributors: Sam Auinger (Independent sound designer,Germany, with affiliations at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology), Kevin Byrne (Minneapolis College of Art and Design, USA), SarahHendren (Olin College of Engineering, USA), and Miso Kim (NortheasternUniversity, USA).


Doctoral Education:

  • Working Group Leaders: Meredith Davis (North CarolinaState University, USA) and Ken Friedman (Tongji University, China).
  • Contributors: Luke Feast (Aalborg Universitet, Denmarkand formerly of Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand), Jodi Forlizzi(Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Maria Hellström Reimer (Malmo University,Sweden), Ali Ilhan (University of Cincinnati, USA and formerly of OzyeginUniversity, Turkey), Wendy Ju (Cornell Technion, USA), Gerd Kortuem (TU Delft,The Netherlands), and Carlos Teixeira (Institute of Design/Illinois Instituteof Technology, USA).



  • Working Group Leaders: Cheryl Heller (The Measured Laband CommonWise, USA) and Sarah Brooks (IBM, USA).
  • Contributors:Gail Anderson (Creative Reaction Lab, USA), Christina Melander (Danish DesignCenter, Denmark), Despina Papadopoulos (Studio 5050 Ltd., USA), Jaimie Cloud(Cloud Institute for Sustainability, USA), Paulina Cornejo Moreno Valle (CENTROde desiño, Mexico), Richard Hsu (Pan-Asia Network, China).



  • Working Group Leaders: Jorge Frascara (Lucerne Universityof Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland), Thomas Garvey (Carleton University,Canada), Daniel Rosenberg (rCDO UX LCC, USA), Pieter Jan Stappers (TU Delft,The Netherlands), Danielle Wilde (Umea Institute of Design/Umea University,Sweden).
  • Steering Committee Liaison: Guillermina Noel (LucerneUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland) and Paul Gardien(Philips, The Netherland).